I was just sitting back daydreaming about all of the magical Valentine’s Days that I have celebrated. I have truly been treated like a queen, spoilt with time and affection, eye contact, secret smiles and magical moments. It was always a day about us, our love, our connection, our relationship. Could there be anything more worthy of celebration? Once someone drove two hours to buy me a surprise top that I had pointed out as one I loved but never thought I’d own. I know they spent almost a weeks wages on it too. It wasn’t all about the gifts though, not about money or the commercial side of Valentines, not about Facebook posts or competition, it was about having a day to celebrate love, true love. I remember someone decorating the living room, putting up a table for two to dine and covering it in hearts. They spent the whole day cooking my favourite foods and then surprised me! Valentine’s Day is a day where I get reminded how special, loved, wanted and important I am….


Yes, it was me that cooked the special food, me that bought the thoughtful presents, me that took every chance to remind my partner how special, loved, wanted and important THEY were.

Time and time again, I have proven my ability to create special moments and to dedicate that moment to another human.

Now I am single.

Valentine’s Day is nearly here

…and I am going to celebrate exactly how history has shown me I can!

Valentine’s Day is going to be my day and I will show myself just how special, loved, wanted and important I AM!

Fellow single warriors, have you ever given all of your kindness to make someone else feel like number one? Was that kindness ever swallowed up without appreciation?

I implore you to grab those superpowers, yes they are superpowers and redirect them straight at yourself!

Image courtesy of Joshua Rawson-Harris

I’m going to share some of my ideas for Valentine’s Day. What would you add to the list?

Heart Hunting

Spending time outdoors, in nature, being a part of the real world soothes my soul! I love walking near rivers, through parks, over the mountains or on coastal paths. I even love strolling through the common at the end of my street. I walk every single day and it feels like the magic cure for all of the ailments that come as a part of being a human being. My Valentine’s walk might be different though. On this walk I may hunt for hearts, hearts in leaves, hearts in clouds, hearts in the earth. My brain is smart and so is yours, it will find whatever I seek. I may count the hearts, I may photograph them, I may allow all of the love that nature offers me to seep into my heart and fill me up.



Why is gorgeous lingerie only associated with trying to look good for a partner? My lingerie is for me! Whether it’s polka dots, black lace, pink cotton, diamanté or leopard print, my underwear is like a secret weapon that only I know is there. It can make me feel comfortable and relaxed or powerful and sexy. When I buy underwear, it’s because of how it makes ME feels. On Valentine’s Day, my lingerie will be all about me!



I always have flowers in my bedroom, office and kitchen, and Valentine’s Day will be no exception. I was trying to think of what would be the most beautiful surprise that I could be given for Valentine’s, and I think it would be a room full of Daffodils! Valentine’s Day is 5 days away, and there are already 6 bunches blooming beautifully! I wonder how many more I can squeeze in before the big day?


Giving my everything

Every Valentine’s Day I’ve given my all, completely accepting that individual, their wants and needs. On Valentine’s Day I may do exactly that for myself! If I want blueberry pancakes for breakfast or a bubble bath at 3 in the afternoon, it will happen. If I want to dance in the rain, sing at the top of my lungs, toast marshmallows on the fire, it will happen. My wants and needs will be my priority!



Valentine’s isn’t all about gifts, but they’re a lovely extra and I’m having a one. In fact, I have already ordered it! I had been eyeing up a T-shirt that I loved on Etsy, but I didn’t really need it so just kept it in my ‘love’ file in the app, on my phone. Well, Valentine’s Day I wanted a present, and I am very excited for it to arrive! Watch this space!


Celebrate Love

I am single, yet my life is more full of love right now than it has ever been before. I may spend my Valentine’s Day embracing that love, maybe connecting with friends or family, maybe spending time with my animals, maybe dancing, cloud watching, reading, planting seeds, soaking in the bath, maybe I will simply sit by the fire in gratitude.



I love a full-bodied red wine. I love dark chocolate with a hint of salted caramel. I love caramelised onion hummus. I love blue cheese, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, salted pistachios, Medjool dates and vegetarian marshmallows! These things are extra special because I don’t indulge too often, but on Valentine’s Day I will indulge as much as my heart desires!

Image courtesy of Daniel Gomez


Single Warriors…On your marks, Get set, Go!