Good morning! It’s 7.30 am, and I am feeling fantastic! Today is my first Monday since leaving my job, and I am taking control! I love that I know myself well enough to know what I need, what makes me feel happy and joyful, and I am motivated to make sure that I get it.

My favourite time of day is first thing in the morning when it feels like the rest of the world is still fast asleep. My day started with a workout, and I loved it. Exercise always makes me feel fantastic, but I get a massive buzz from doing it first thing in the morning. The feelings of success that it leaves radiates throughout my whole day. I swung kettlebells with a smile on my face and had a Ted Talk playing in the background. It felt like I was giving my body, brain and soul precisely what they needed. When I was glugging back water, it felt like I was giving my body what it needed. When I was listening to a Ted Talk it felt like I was giving my brain what it needed. When I was walking my dog in the rain, it felt like I was giving my soul what it needed. Right now, I’m sat here listening to Beethoven, drinking green tea and feeling high from life, and it’s not yet 8am. Nothing I have done has cost any money, it came from me knowing me and me acting upon it.

Could the secret of happiness be understanding what our body, brain and soul need and then supplying it?

It’s funny that as I write this, I think of all of the times that I have confused what my body needs with what I had taught my body to crave! Nicotine was the biggest and weirdly the second was cereal, big bowls first thing in a morning making my energy crash! I’m so thankful that I fought those battles and am free! I know that I don’t need social media, technology, nicotine, alcohol and anything else that feels false for me to feel good or even ok. I need water, movement, variety, stimulation, progression, and to feel like I am contributing. I need to feel like I have some control over my life and most certainly how I react to things in my life!

I know myself well.

I have known me for 37 years.

I have spent more time with me than anyone else.

Big love

Katy X