I was laying in my bed listening to the rain pattering on my bedroom window and suddenly my questions about whether I made the right decision about leaving my full time job disappeared. I don’t want chilblains, wet feet, blue lips or the exhaustion that comes from a whole day working outdoors in bad weather.

Home made carrot and lentil soup with fresh lemons and home baked bread

I remember my childhood love of autumn. It was the best time of the year. The summer was always exciting, bike riding, cut kneed, cricket playing times with picnics, long walks and climbing into bed exhausted and happy! Autumn always seemed to be just as exciting! Halloween and bonfire night, Christmas around the corner, log fires, reading, walking and jumping in the fallen leaves, collecting conkers and new stationery for term-time home education.

All of the excitement from my childhood just happened without any effort from me. Now, being a grown-up, it’s not so natural! The excitement gets pushed aside by worry, thoughts of the future, thoughts of the past, simply thoughts of other things than that moment!

I’m making it my mission to feel the joy of Autumn again! I know that I need to stay in the moment, not drift around too much with my thoughts, I need to ensure that I am filling my time with the things that I love as well as the things that I need to do.

Things that I love and need more of…

  • Log fires
  • Wrapping up warm and walking in any weather with my dogs
  • Great films wrapped in a duvet
  • Home made soup
  • Red wine with tea
  • Hot baths
  • Reading fiction – In particular Marion Keyes
  • Being with people who love me and show me that love

Just look at my list!? It was an eye-opener for me. These are the things that I love at this time of year and yet they cost so little in money and time!! In this heartbeat of a life we all need more love, more smiles, more laughter, more feelings of that beautiful deep peace that comes from joy and happiness.

My beautiful old Jack Russell snuggling up in bed with me

I’m full of gratitude for this beautiful life, in fact my gratitude list will be huge tonight. These photos bring me warmth and love. Until next time…

Big Love Katy X