This morning I have felt overwhelmed with happiness. I find that when I feel emotions, I tend to experience them to the extreme. I have been criticised many times, very harshly for being over sensitive but I think it is one of the most beautiful things about myself. Yes, when I feel pain, it is sometimes unbearable like I have forgotten how to breathe, but the good stuff, oh the good stuff! When I feel gratitude, it’s like I suck ultimate peace and absolute joy in through my skin to my very core; when I feel that joy on my inside it radiates through my organs and back out to the world. I feel like sunshine. It is like once I have started the cycle, it keeps going, sparks of electricity firing every sense.

Me and Spike

The best bit about today’s happiness was that I created it. It was a combination of my approach, my actions and then a little luck or good grace, which ever you prefer to see. The good luck was that the car didn’t break down, I was safe, it didn’t hammer down with rain, the things that I couldn’t control still worked in my favour. My approach was one of determination to do the things which make me feel good! My action was to put those things into practice. I set the alarm and got up early. Some might say that I would have benefitted from extra sleep, but I know that for my feelings of joy, I was better off waking early and having some rest later in the day.

I got up and exercised, pushing hard. I like to feel strong, I like to feel healthy, and I like to feel as though I have made progress, achieving something magnificent with my body while the rest of the world is asleep. Then I went to see my horses, and I rode Spike. After a warm-up and some exploring, we galloped. I felt the tears being blown from my eyes, the absolute power beneath me, and the depth of trust I felt for him.

Happiness isn’t just happiness for me. I felt some of the best feelings in the world this morning. I was excited, overloaded with gratitude, proud, determined, I felt love, trust, openness, alive, elated, fortunate and lucky! I sparked from buzz to buzz, in my own company as dawn broke and as the world slept.

Ready to Gallop

All of the very top entrepreneurs and many authors, when talking about time management and achievement will say. “Do your most important work first! Whatever is at the top of your list of priorities that day, do it first” …and that is exactly what I do! I do me! I plough energy into giving my body and brain the things that they need to perform well but also to feel really really great.

I hope that you have felt some of those sparkly feelings today and if not, I hope that you create them!

Big love Katy X